Knox playing at the Bloomsbury Theatre, Sun. 9 May 2004 (photo: Pete Turner)
UPCOMING GIGS: 2011 Sat. 26 November - LEYTONSTONE (London), What's Cooking, with The Trailer Trash Orchestra. Tues. 29 November - LONDON, Made In Brasil (12 Inverness St., Camden Town, London NW1). Sat. 10 December - HITCHIN, Club 84, with The Trailer Trash Orchestra. Sat. 17 December - LONDON, Signal Gallery, (early afternoon show!) - Knox acoustic and with Charlie Harper (TBA) Sat. 17 December - BRIGHTON, Prince Albert, with The Trailer Trash Orchestra. 2012 Sat. 16 June - SOUTHSEA (PORTSMOUTH), South Parade Pier "Punk By The Sea", Knox solo acoustic Sun. 17 June - SOUTHSEA (PORTSMOUTH), South Parade Pier "Punk By The Sea", Urban Dogs acoustic (Charlie Harper and Knox)
Design: KOOLcity
Last update: 25 Oct. 2011